
The 兄弟会和姐妹会生活领袖奖 annually recognize individuals and organizations for their accomplishments during the calendar previous year. Organization awards are based on the self-assessments each organization submits each semester based on the 卓越标准, 并对每个类别的成就和卓越给予认可. 还有其他用于组织和编程识别的应用程序. Supplemental interviews are needed for finalists of the highest-level individual awards. 奖项申请将于10月开始,截止日期为11月. The ceremony is held each January to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of the previous year.



Organizations submit a Spring semester self-assessment by May and receive a Spring performance evaluation during the summer months. Organizations will receive their Fall performance evaluation after the January awards ceremony. Organizations receive an "Achievement" or "Excellence" certificate recognition for each of the nine 卓越标准 categories during the January awards ceremony if they submitted a self-assessment each semester.



Organization award 申请将会开启 October 1 and nominations or self-nominations must be submitted by the November 15 deadline for consideration. 申请将被发送给学生活动之外的评委, 领导, and 联谊会 and 女生联谊会的生活 staff for review and final determination of the winners. 所有组织奖项 使用这个常见的应用程序.

  • 杰出学术规划奖: Presented to the organization that is able to best demonstrate how they have promoted academic growth among its members through 项目, 事件, 以及过去历年的举措.
  • 杰出慈善节目奖: Presented to the organization that hosted an outstanding fundraising event during the past calendar year, 不管募集的总金额还是捐赠的物品.
  • 杰出社区服务奖: Presented to the organization that is able to best demonstrate how service is an ongoing commitment for its members through 项目, 事件, 以及过去历年的举措.
  • 杰出多元化及包容性节目奖: Presented to the organization that is able to best demonstrate an appreciation and ongoing commitment to 项目, 事件, 以及关于多样性的倡议, 包容, 在过去的日历年里.
  • 杰出精神健康和健康规划奖: Presented to the organization that is able to best demonstrate an appreciation and ongoing commitment to 项目, 事件, 以及过去历年关于精神卫生和保健的举措.
  • 杰出公共关系奖: Presented to the organization that is able to best demonstrate positive promotion through their use of social and other media during the past calendar year.
  • 杰出减少风险规划奖: Presented to the organization that is able to best demonstrate how they have engaged in reducing risk through ongoing education, 项目, 事件, 以及过去历年的举措.
  • 最完善的组织: This award is presented to one organization in each council that best exemplifies how they have been able to improve and challenge the status quo. Winners are based on the organizaiton that achieved the greatest positive change in percentage of points available to them on the previous year's 卓越标准 process.
  • 总统杯: This award is the top honor presented to one organization in each council that best exemplifies their values and how they model the way for others in the FSL community. Winners are based on the organization has achieved the highest possible percentage of points available to them through the 卓越标准 process.


个人 申请将会开启 will open October 1 and nominations or self-nominations must be submitted by the November 15 deadline for consideration. 申请将被发送给学生活动之外的评委, 领导, and 联谊会 and 女生联谊会的生活 staff for review and final determination of the winners. In 有些情况下可能需要补充面试以充分考虑. 奖学金 also require a submission in The Branch in order to receive the financial award. 所有个人奖项(年度最佳顾问除外,链接如下)均使用 这个常见的应用程序.

  • 海伦E. 里夫奖学金奖学金 given to a sophomore Panhellenic member who has contributed to sorority life on 校园, 谁有经济需要?, 谁有学术成就.
  • 道格拉斯·卡特杰奖: presented to an outstanding spring semester male-identified new member in memory of Doug Kartje by his friends and family.
  • 罗伯特·阿莫斯奖学金: 奖学金 given to and outstanding fall male-identified new member with demonstrated financial need who exhibits academic involvement, 是否参与了很多活动, 从事社区服务.
  • 艾玛·特鲁伊特纪念泛希腊奖学金: 奖学金 given to an outstanding upperclass ranked Panhellenic member who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and has made a significant contribution as a student leader.
  • 马克H. 威廉姆斯奖学金奖学金 given to an outstanding junior fraternity member who exhibits 领导 contributions and 奖学金 excellence through involvement in fraternity, 校园, 和社区活动,同时保持良好的奖学金记录.
  • 新成员/年度最佳新人奖: presented to an individual in each council who joined their organization in the past calendar year who has demonstrated a strong sense of fraternal values and 领导 within their organization.
  • 梧桐精神奖: 颁发给每个委员会中表现出个人成长的个人, 领导力发展, 学校的骄傲, 并支持他们的组织和FSL社区.
  • 社区建设者奖: given to an individual in each council who has an understanding of the power of community, 在FSL社区中表现出团契关系, 并努力支持这些原则.
  • bc菠菜导航发展奖: given to an individual in each council to someone who has taken steps both within the FSL community and in other learning environments to develop skills and career competencies that will benefit every aspect of their future.
  • 年度最佳总裁: given to an outstanding organization president in each council who lives the FSL values throughout their term of office
  • 年度最佳会员奖: presented to one individual in each council based on quality of 领导 within their organization, 对自由职业者的贡献, 参与校园活动, 奖学金, 事业成就, 在各种各样的努力中都表现出色. 入围者将参加面试.
  • 遗产荣誉勋章授予个人会员的最高荣誉, it is given to an outstanding senior in each council who has blazed the trail for others on 校园 to follow through living the mission and values of FSL. 入围者将参加面试.
  • 年度最佳顾问: given to an advisor in each council who showcases their engagement and mentoring of members in developing service, 领导, 新会员教育, 以及学业成绩.

