






On November 5, 2021, 印第安纳州 State University hosted the inaugural 总统’s Dinner. This special event honored the University’s Distinguished 校友 for their significant achievements professionally and within their communities, 本地和全球. The evening also celebrated philanthropy to the institution by honoring donors for their generosity and 奉献 to the advancement of the culture of giving at 印第安纳州 State.

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阿尔凯尔在阿克伦长大, 俄亥俄州, 在进入bc菠菜导航之前,他曾两次入选全美游泳运动员. 他以优异成绩毕业,获得计算机科学学位. 阿尔凯尔现在担任总统 & Premier Inc首席执行官., a technology-driven healthcare improvement company uniting an alliance of more than 4,400家医院和卫生系统,大约225家,000个其他供应商和组织.

加入Premier以来, he has taken the company public and created more than $4 billion in value for member health systems across the country. Alkire是医疗保健行业的思想领袖, 并领导总理努力解决全国药品短缺问题, 在美国出庭作证.S. House of Representatives regarding Premier research on shortages and gray market price gouging. 最近, 在COVID-19大流行期间, he led his company to use domestic suppliers and global sourcing to bring 226 million masks and respirators, 1.06亿件礼服, 7.5亿只检查手套.S. 在需要的时候提供帮助.

Alkire目前在Premier Inc .任职.他也是美国医疗保健政策联盟的董事会成员, 并参与医疗保健领导委员会. 他也是InsideOut播客的主持人, 分享美国医疗体系中令人信服的创新故事. He was named one of the Top 25 chief operating officers in healthcare for 2018 by Modern Healthcare. 阿尔凯尔和他的家人住在德克萨斯州的达拉斯.


切尼夫妇都是第一代大学毕业生. Both were active in Greek life at ISU — Paul as a member of Kappa Alpha Psi and Susan as a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha.

保罗·切尼曾就读于伊桑州立大学,因为它有一个优秀的后备军官训练队项目. He served on Active Duty, in the Army Reserve, and the Army National Guard from 1983-2009. He retired as a lieutenant colonel with two Bronze Star medals and having served in Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom. Paul Chaney也在制药行业工作了20多年. He is currently an Executive District Sales Manager for AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, 管理一支由10名心血管领域bc菠菜导航销售人员组成的团队.

苏珊Chaney, 最初来自印第安纳波利斯, attended ISU "because it was a smaller university that offered my major" and "was close to home so I could go back home frequently to visit my family.她毕业时获得了时尚营销学士学位. 她是Pinky's Classy Creations LLC的老板, an online retail store specializing in personalized custom gifts for special occasions.

这对夫妇积极参与社区服务. Paul Chaney has mentored youth through his fraternity’s Guide Right Program; coached AAU track; and served as a Big Brother for more than five years. Paul Chaney目前在国际滑联基金会董事会任职. 苏珊·切尼在她的姐妹会指导女大学生. In Alabama, the Chaneys are members of the Union Chapel 任务ary Baptist Church. 这对夫妇住在阿拉巴马州的麦迪逊.


行李搬运工人, 从哈蒙德, 印第安纳州, graduated with a degree in business management while also competing for ISU's track and field team as a hurdler.

波特40年的职业生涯包括在金博尔国际公司任职, 罗克韦尔国际, 和英格索兰国际公司. 过去15年来,他一直是一家私人股本集团的合伙人. 他在俄亥俄州和新罕布什尔州建立了一个制造业公司的平台.

波特夫妇有给国际州立大学捐款的历史. In 2015, 里奇在捐赠500美元中发挥了重要作用,从Hurco公司向技术学院提供了000美元的软件费用, 他在哪里担任董事会成员. 波特和他的妻子罗宾(Robin)最近捐赠了25万美元创建《bc菠菜导航》 & 罗宾波特癌症研究中心. 这笔捐款将资助5名研究人员.

波特目前担任国际滑联基金会董事会主席. He also serves on the boards of the James Cancer Hospital (俄亥俄州 State University) 基金会 and the French Oil Company. 波特一家住在俄亥俄州的特洛伊和南卡罗来纳州的希尔顿黑德.C.




An eagerness to share their love of exploration led ISU alumna Sandy Senior-Dauer and her husband, 凯斯·道尔在bc菠菜导航设立了一项捐赠奖学金. 他们的250美元,000 gift created the Sandy Senior-Dauer and Keith Dauer 部门 of 历史 Study-Abroad Scholars to support students and faculty in the 部门 of 历史. The endowment will provide support for both academic and cultural learning experiences through travel.


苏和诺曼·阿巴佐里斯赚了300美元,000 gift to 印第安纳州 State to create the Susan Dauberman Abazoris Scholarship in the 贝赫教育学院. The endowed scholarship is the first to support students pursuing a Master’s Degree in School Counseling. Sue Abazoris earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the 贝赫教育学院 and worked in the public school system as an elementary teacher and high school counselor.


杰里和简·科克雷尔一直是bc菠菜导航的忠实捐助者, 为大学提供了30多年的支持. Dr. Jerry Cockrell retired as a Professor of Electronics and Computer Engineering 技术 from ISU in 2012.  简·科克雷尔于1975年在ISU获得娱乐学士学位. She retired from Terre Haute-based Westminster Village Life Plan Community in June 2021 after 40 years of service. She serves as an active member of the ISU Advisory Council for the College of 卫生与公共服务部. The couple has created two endowed scholarships supporting students in the College of 卫生与公共服务部 and College of 技术. 


磁铁取证 is a global leader in development of digital investigation software that acquires, 分析和分享来自计算机的证据, 移动设备, 云, 和更多的. 该公司的工具被超过4人使用,93个国家的000个机构, 协助打击犯罪, 保护资产,保卫国家安全. Their $1 million software gift provides students and faculty in our cybercriminology program with access to the company’s XIOM Cyber software and training.


约翰P. ISU牛顿精神奖获得者

The SALCE Group formed with the purpose to support students further their education while building a culture of philanthropy and engagement among black alumni. 他们的视力, 奉献, and philanthropic commitment led to the creation of an endowed scholarship to support students striving to be a catalyst for change in their communities.


The first annual student philanthropy award will be presented at The 总统's Dinner. Through the vision of the Student Philanthropy Group the award recognizes 印第安纳州 State students for their 奉献 and significant contributions to enhance the University’s culture of philanthropy. The 印第安纳州 State University Honors Council was selected by the Student Philanthropy for the 2021 学生慈善奖 for their commitment to promoting a culture of philanthropy among their fellow students. They have championed student giving by hosting events and activities for their peers, 包括《给 to Blue Day. They have produced creative videos to energize students while spotlighting the importance of philanthropy at 印第安纳州 State.





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(812) 237-6100
